Step 1. Put on more clothes
Step 2. Go play outside
Really. Just because it’s getting colder doesn’t mean that you need to retreat indoors for the winter.
Fall and winter are beautiful seasons to be outside. Enjoy the crunch of the leaves underfoot. Smell the crispness in the air. Feel the snowflakes fall on your face. Enjoy sledding, cross country skiing, or downhill sports.
Having fun in the cold is all about dressing appropriately, whatever that means for you. Are you warm blooded and just need to add a sweater? Or are you a freeze baby that loves down?
I am a person that makes no heat. It’s true. Just ask my husband. But I still go out in all types of weather. I have gone downhill and cross country skiing when the highs are only in the single digits. I go for a daily walk all winter long. I’ve even gone ice diving. I’ve been warm doing all of these things.

The secret is that I wear a lot of clothes. Fleece lined jeans make my daily winter walks comfortable. Mukluks keep my feet warm. Thick fuzzy mittens keep my hands warm. Several layers of long underwear work for more aerobic activities.
If I’m going to be more sedentary, I have a pair of pants that’s on the recommended list for Mount Everest base camp. Primaloft insulation is as warm as down, and more resistant to moisture. I have pants, a jacket, gloves, and a hat made out of it.
If I want to be completely sedentary, such as sitting for a bonfire or a hayride, blankets can be cozy, especially when shared with a loved one.
I may live in the frozen north and make no heat, but I know how to stay warm. You can, too.
How do you stay warm while enjoying the outside? Share in the comments below.
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