Do you have something special coming up in your life? It could be an once-in-a-lifetime event, or it could be a simple gathering of friends. Qualifying activities include anything that you sincerely enjoy, anything that makes you happy when you think of it.
I am one of those people that always have multiple trips in the works. When I get home from one outing, there is already one or two more on my calendar. My calendar also fills up with smaller events, such as going out with friends.
My next major event will be visiting friends and family in California. After that comes diving the Florida Keys midwinter. Next summer, I’ll be backpacking Glacier National Park before the glacier melts. Smaller events include a belated Halloween party, climbing and drinks with friends, and roller derby practice.
I need those events on my calendar to stay motivated. They are my reward for being a productive citizen. After I do my work, I get to play.
I need those events on my calendar to recharge. No matter how bad of a day I am having, I am always in a good mood after climbing. Yes, trips are a lot of work, but they provide so much joy. Those are the moments that make life worthwhile.
If you don’t have something special coming up on your calendar, why not? I know we are all busy people, but what’s the point of living a boring, mundane life?
Taking the time to do something that satisfies your soul will rejuvenate you. Then, you’ll be able to give more to your everyday tasks: be a more productive worker, a more loving mother and wife.
So, go ahead:
Call up that friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Arrange a coffee or play date.
Find a new place in town that you’ve always wanted to explore.
Put that group exercise class that will really kick your butt on your calendar
Carve out time for a walk in the local park
Or be brave and take the first step towards your dream trip.
What are you looking forward to? Share in the comments below.
Photo credit: Elizabeth M (libookperson on Flickr), Creative Commons License
So, on a total whim (and my husband doesn’t even know this yet), I bought tickets to tour the Christmas lights of one of California’s coastal communities via hydrobikes. I don’t even know what a hydrobike is. But it is certainly an event I am looking forward to!
Wow. I feel special. I know before your husband! A hydrobike Christmas light tour sounds amazing. I have no idea what a hydrobike is either, but it sounds fun. I hope you stay reasonably dry. 55 degree water at night doesn’t sound like the most festive way to enjoy the lights if you are wet. I would look forward to that, too.